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  • Messages : 296
il y a 6 ans 3 mois #3691 par Finnie Flores
Hi Igor,

I noticed in the google sheet that the primary JHN URI for Ontario is different from all the rest: (rather than Will this be changed to align with the rest?

Additionally, if I recall correctly, Ontario currently uses the alternate URI Is there a plan for Ontario to move to the primary URI?


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  • Messages : 296
il y a 6 ans 3 mois #3689 par Finnie Flores
Thanks Igor. Will take a look at the google sheet.

Good to know as well that we are going to discuss naming convention for others. Here's a good start of best practice from Simplifier.

1.3 Naming conventions

Before you start building profiles, agree on the naming conventions that you will use in your project, as it will be a lot harder to change them later on. Some general rules to follow:
•UpperCamelCase for resources
•lowerCamelCase for elements and slices
•lowercase for extensions, using the following format: [context]-[name], e.g. patient-age
•Consider including the resource type in the name of your profile
•Use the name of your project, region or country as a prefix or postfix (postfix is generally preferred over a prefix as it makes it easier to search on resource type when browsing resources). The practice in FHIR is to use a country postfix for national projects and the project postfix otherwise.

1.4 Saving a profile

When saving a profile, extend the filename with the resource type, for example: myPatient.structuredefinition-profile.xml or workedOnMonday.structuredefinition-extension.xml.

This'll help you tell the StructureDefinition files apart, which are otherwise all just the same StructureDefinition FHIR resource.

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  • Messages : 132
il y a 6 ans 3 mois #3688 par Lloyd Mckenzie
Yes. The list of those that exist can be seen here:

Others can be proposed using the "Propose a change" link at the bottom of the page.

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  • Messages : 49
il y a 6 ans 3 mois #3686 par Harsh Sharma
Hello Lloyd,

Thanks for your response. Is there a scope to include others as well?

Kind Regards,

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  • Messages : 132
il y a 6 ans 3 mois #3685 par Lloyd Mckenzie
SNOMED, LOINC, ICD9 and DIN are already listed for sure. Not sure about the others

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  • Messages : 49
il y a 6 ans 3 mois #3684 par Harsh Sharma
Hello Igor,

Thanks for sharing URI spreadsheet.

Are there URI's for clinical terminologies and classifications? I can see DSM IV (obsolete for most organizations) and ICD-10 under Value Sets tab.

I was wondering if we can have URI's for following.

2. Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC)
3. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5)
4. Omaha System
5. Pan-Canadian Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (pCLOCD)
6. Canadian Classification of Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Surgical Procedures (CCP)
Schedule of Medical Benefits (SOMB)
7. Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)
8. International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Ninth Revision (ICD-9)
9. International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM)
10. International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O)
11. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
12. Nutrition Care Process Terminology (NCPT)
13. Canadian Health Outcomes for Better Information and Care (C-HOBIC)
14. International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP)
15. Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC)
16. North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA)
17. Canadian Classification of Health Interventions(CCI)
18. Drug Identification Number (DIN)
19. Common Procedure Examination List (CPEL)

These clinical terminologies and classifications are currently utilized within Canadian Healthcare environment.

Please let me know if it makes sense or i am totally off track.

Thanks so much!
Kind Regards,

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