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  • Messages : 181
il y a 6 ans 11 mois #2854 par Igor Sirkovich
Thank you Randy! "ca-abDSLID" OID is exactly what we need. I will add this to the NamingSystem tab.

albHSPID OID and all the College License OIDs would be the next in line, once we finish with the patient and organization URIs and move to the provider ones.

rnonay écrit: Hi Igor,

The NamingSystem tab is locked, so I just marked the relevant organization OIDs on the Alberta Tab (they are colored light blue).

In Alberta, we have one delivery site identifer which is used for the various types of sites - we don't have an oid for a specific type of site. They all share a common domain and are under the "ca-abDSLID" OID. In our delivery site registry, the details as to what type of site is stored (and looked up).

We do have several health regions identified (and OIDs assigned) but in the time between when these were created and the present, the regions have been merged into a single organization.


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  • Messages : 53
il y a 6 ans 11 mois - il y a 6 ans 11 mois #2850 par Sisira De Sliva
Hi Igor,

In Newfoundland and Labrador, we use one OID for service delivery organizations. We assign unique extension for each site. In the HL7 v3 messages, the OID is used as the root with unique extension to identify the service delivery organization.

<hl7:serviceDeliveryLocation classCode="SDLOC">
<hl7:id root="2.16.840.1.113883.4.267" extension="NL.00011"/>

For example:
Extension for Pharmacies: NL.1000x, NL.100xx, etc.
Extension for Clinics: NL.100xx, NL.10xxx, etc.

(a) OID for Delivery Organization: Newfoundland and Labrador Canada EHR Delivery Organization ID: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.267
Description: A unique identifier issued by NLCHI (Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information) to identify health service
delivery organizations in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

(b) OID for Personal Health Number: Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada Personal Health Number: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.52

(c) OID for Provider License Numbers:
(1) Newfoundland and Labrador Canada Pharmacist License Number: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.261
(2) Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Physician License Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.262
(3) Newfoundland and Labrador Canada Dentist License Number: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.263
(4) Newfoundland and Labrador Canada Veterinarian License Number: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.264
(5) Newfoundland and Labrador Canada Optometrist License Number: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.265
(6) Newfoundland and Labrador Canada Nurse License Number: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.266
(7) Out of Province Healthcare Worker Licence Number: 2.16.840.1.113883.
Note: Extension to include licence number issued by the college

Sisira (NLCHI).
Dernière édition: il y a 6 ans 11 mois par Sisira De Sliva.

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  • Messages : 84
il y a 6 ans 11 mois #2842 par Randy Nonay
Hi Igor,

The NamingSystem tab is locked, so I just marked the relevant organization OIDs on the Alberta Tab (they are colored light blue).

In Alberta, we have one delivery site identifer which is used for the various types of sites - we don't have an oid for a specific type of site. They all share a common domain and are under the "ca-abDSLID" OID. In our delivery site registry, the details as to what type of site is stored (and looked up).

We do have several health regions identified (and OIDs assigned) but in the time between when these were created and the present, the regions have been merged into a single organization.


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  • Messages : 181
il y a 6 ans 11 mois #2840 par Igor Sirkovich
I would like to ask everyone with any knowledge about Organization Identifiers assigned by Canadian jurisdictions to share this information with the FHIR Solution Architecture stream. We have been trying to complete a list of URIs for Jurisdictional Organization Identifiers, but so far, we've got only a limited number of identifiers for Ontario, PEI, NB and one for Quebec (based on HL7 OIDs registry).

Also, please feel free to review our URI Registry (NamingSystem tab) and to edit if you feel any information is incorrect there.

Below is a list of the Jurisdictional Organization Identifiers we've got so far and have assigned URIs to:
Ontario, Canada Health Care Facility Identifier
Ontario, Canada Laboratory Identifier
Ontario, Canada Laboratory Specimen Collection Centre Identifier
Ontario, Canada Hospital Identifier
Ontario, Canada Pharmacy Identifier
Prince Edward Island, Canada Pharmacy Identifier
Prince Edward Island, Canada Physician Office Identifier
Prince Edward Island, Canada Long Term Care Facility Identifier
Prince Edward Island, Canada Mental Health Care Facility Identifier
Prince Edward Island, Canada Addiction Centre Identifier
Prince Edward Island, Canada Veterinary Clinic Identifier
Quebec, Canada Health Service Delivery Organization Identifier
New Brunswick, Canada Health Care Facility Identifier
New Brunswick, Canada Long Term Care Facility Identifier
New Brunswick, Canada Mental Health Care Facility Identifier
New Brunswick, Canada Addiction Centre Facility Identifier
New Brunswick, Canada Dental Facility Identifier
New Brunswick, Canada Community Pharmacy Identifier

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  • Messages : 181
il y a 6 ans 11 mois #2804 par Igor Sirkovich
Hello Everyone,

At our meeting last Friday, we had started working on a list of URIs for jurisdictional patient and organization identifiers. We used OIDs and descriptions from the HL7 OID registry, but for organizations, we've got only a limited number of identifiers for Ontario, PEI & NB and one for Quebec. If you know about locally assigned (not registered with HL7) organization OIDs used by any jurisdictions, please let us know. Also, please feel free to edit our URI Registry if you feel any information is incorrect there.

We will keep working on this list at our meeting on Friday. Once we complete URIs for jurisdictional patient and organization identifiers, we plan to start working on URIs for Jurisdictional Provider Licenses and for additional patient identifiers (e.g. passport number & driver licenses).

See you all on Friday, July 14 at 2 pm.

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  • Messages : 181
il y a 7 ans 1 jour #2789 par Igor Sirkovich
This is a reminder that there is no meeting on Friday, June 30. We will meet again on Friday, July 7.

To recap the decisions we've made so far in regards to the URI guidelines

1. Base url for common public identifiers:
2. Ids should be all all-lower-case-hyphen-separated
3. Ids should avoid abbreviations
4. Ids that are scoped by province/territory should be prefixed with the province/territory code - e.g. "ab-some-identifier"
5. Ids that are national in scope should be prefixed with "ca-" - e.g. "ca-some-identifier"
6. Words that make up the identifier should start from the general type and then get more specific. E.g. "on-license-driver" rather than "on-driver-license"
7. Words should be expressed in the primary language of the province/territory that manages them
8. Words should not use accented characters
9. Use descriptions from where available when we map URIs to existing OIDs - we will initiate a task to grab all Canadian Identifier Namespaces registered with HL7 ( and populate our registry with the OIDs and descriptions while the longer term goal is to assign URIs to all these Identifier Namespaces.


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