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  • Messages : 84
il y a 6 ans 10 mois #2989 par Randy Nonay
Hi Igor,

Sorry - I have been OOO for most of this month, and didn't see this note until today...

To use your example, there would be an identifier for the hospital (as a whole), as well as separate identifiers for each sub site on the hospital.

At present, we don't have an OID specifically for organizations separate from ca-abDSLID.


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  • Messages : 181
il y a 6 ans 10 mois - il y a 6 ans 10 mois #2974 par Igor Sirkovich
Unless anyone has new topics for discussion, we will have a very short meeting at 2 pm today (I don't have many updates on my end).

We will cancel our next meeting on Friday, September 1 (the last long weekend of the summer) and we'll reconnect on September 8.
Dernière édition: il y a 6 ans 10 mois par Igor Sirkovich.

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  • Messages : 181
il y a 6 ans 10 mois - il y a 6 ans 10 mois #2940 par Igor Sirkovich
Please note that the call today (August 18) is cancelled.

Please join us at our next call at 2 pm on Friday, August 25.
Dernière édition: il y a 6 ans 10 mois par Igor Sirkovich.

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  • Messages : 181
il y a 6 ans 10 mois - il y a 6 ans 10 mois #2898 par Igor Sirkovich
Please note that the call on Friday, August 4 is cancelled.

Please join us at the next call at 2 pm on Friday, August 11.
Dernière édition: il y a 6 ans 10 mois par Igor Sirkovich.

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  • Messages : 181
il y a 6 ans 11 mois #2879 par Igor Sirkovich
Hi Randy, I have a question in regards to "ca-abDSLID" - it seems to me more like an OID for Location Identifiers (Sites) rather than for Organization Identifier, e.g. if a hospital "HospA" has three sites "SiteA", "SiteB" & "SiteC", this OID would describe a namespace for identifiers of these sites ("SiteA", "SiteB" & "SiteC"), but not an identifier for the hospital "HospA".

If my understanding is correct, I'm wondering if there is an OID in Alberta that would describe a namespace for jurisdictional identifiers of all Organizations.

isirkovich écrit: Thank you Randy! "ca-abDSLID" OID is exactly what we need. I will add this to the NamingSystem tab.

albHSPID OID and all the College License OIDs would be the next in line, once we finish with the patient and organization URIs and move to the provider ones.

rnonay écrit: Hi Igor,

The NamingSystem tab is locked, so I just marked the relevant organization OIDs on the Alberta Tab (they are colored light blue).

In Alberta, we have one delivery site identifer which is used for the various types of sites - we don't have an oid for a specific type of site. They all share a common domain and are under the "ca-abDSLID" OID. In our delivery site registry, the details as to what type of site is stored (and looked up).

We do have several health regions identified (and OIDs assigned) but in the time between when these were created and the present, the regions have been merged into a single organization.


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  • Messages : 181
il y a 6 ans 11 mois #2856 par Igor Sirkovich
Thank you Sisira! This is super helpful. I will add 2.16.840.1.113883.4.267 to the list of Org URIs and we'll deal with the college licenses at the next phase.

sdesilva écrit: Hi Igor,

In Newfoundland and Labrador, we use one OID for service delivery organizations. We assign unique extension for each site. In the HL7 v3 messages, the OID is used as the root with unique extension to identify the service delivery organization.

<hl7:serviceDeliveryLocation classCode="SDLOC">
<hl7:id root="2.16.840.1.113883.4.267" extension="NL.00011"/>

For example:
Extension for Pharmacies: NL.1000x, NL.100xx, etc.
Extension for Clinics: NL.100xx, NL.10xxx, etc.

(a) OID for Delivery Organization: Newfoundland and Labrador Canada EHR Delivery Organization ID: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.267
Description: A unique identifier issued by NLCHI (Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information) to identify health service
delivery organizations in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

(b) OID for Personal Health Number: Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada Personal Health Number: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.52

(c) OID for Provider License Numbers:
(1) Newfoundland and Labrador Canada Pharmacist License Number: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.261
(2) Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Physician License Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.262
(3) Newfoundland and Labrador Canada Dentist License Number: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.263
(4) Newfoundland and Labrador Canada Veterinarian License Number: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.264
(5) Newfoundland and Labrador Canada Optometrist License Number: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.265
(6) Newfoundland and Labrador Canada Nurse License Number: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.266
(7) Out of Province Healthcare Worker Licence Number: 2.16.840.1.113883.
Note: Extension to include licence number issued by the college

Sisira (NLCHI).

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