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map-pin Solution Architecture work stream

  • Messages : 25
il y a 6 ans 9 mois #3071 par Thomas Zhou
Hi Igor,

Thank you for the agenda in details of next meeting.
Look forward to the online meeting soon.

Best Regards,
Thomas (AH)

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  • Messages : 181
il y a 6 ans 9 mois #3068 par Igor Sirkovich
Hi Thomas, at our meeting on Friday, September 22nd, Lloyd will first give us a brief update on HL7 Working Group Meeting last week in San Diego and then he will walk us through the process of publishing a FHIR Implementation Guide using IGPublisher tool.

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  • Messages : 25
il y a 6 ans 9 mois #3050 par Thomas Zhou
Hi moderators,

Could you please resend or repost the meeting agenda of Sep 22nd.
If any relevant documents could be posted as well, it would be very helpful.

Best Regards,
Thomas (AH)

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  • Messages : 68
il y a 6 ans 9 mois #3047 par Shamil Nizamov
Thank Lloyd and Igor for starting this.

Just as a thought - it would be nice to share a dummy IG folder setup prior this meeting so that we can try to generate on our own and then ask questions why smt was not working as expected. Simply watching, as my experience shows, does not help with the real publication process.

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  • Messages : 181
il y a 6 ans 9 mois #3046 par Igor Sirkovich
Thank you Lloyd, I hoped you would volunteer :) If this works for you, I will book our entire meeting on Friday, September 22 for your walkthrough of the publication process and SDC on FHIR. If we need more time, we can continue on Friday, September 29. An update on the HL7 WG meeting would also be appreciated.

Alex, the request for SDC on FHIR came from your colleague at CCO.

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  • Messages : 21
il y a 6 ans 9 mois #3038 par Alexander Goel
My organization has done some work in SDC, and we'd like to start that up again. We have a Lung Cancer Screening form built in a FHIR Questionnaire Format. It's a bit dated, and we'd have to update it.

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