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Nouvelles d'InfoCentral InfoCentral News

Les dernières nouvelles d’InfoCentral sur l’interopérabilité clinique.

Les articles publiés avant le 21 juillet 2016 sont disponibles en anglais seulement. Vous pouvez demander la traduction française par courriel à Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..

Updated Microbiology Editorial Guidelines for SNOMED CT Available

All of the approved guidelines and those that are still identified as work in progress have been updated in one draft document.

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The January 2015 International Release of SNOMED CT® is now available!

The January international release of SNOMED CT standard is now available to SC Members in the pan-Canadian Standards folder on from the Infocentral Wiki.

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Jan 2015 release of pCLOCD available to SC Members

The new version of the pan-Canadian LOINC Observation Code Database (pCLOCD) is available to SC Members in the pan-Canadian Standards folder on InfoCentral Wiki.

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New Feature: Web Conferencing facilitates face-to-face meetings for groups

Community and Working group participants can now self-organize an instant web conference.

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Improvements to InfoCentral

InfoCentral is transforming from a wiki based website to an open meeting space fostering collaboration to accelerate clinical interoperability.

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Fall Partnership Conference presentations now posted

Concurrent and plenary session presentations are now posted on InfoCentral wiki in the language in which they were delivered.

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