Vous pouvez maintenant accéder à la version de janvier 2025 du Répertoire canadien des médicaments à partir de Terminology Gateway et du serveur terminologique, à des fins de consultation ou d’implantation. En savoir plus >

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Infoway Partnership Conference - Save the Date


Delegates, mark your calendars! This year's Partnership Conference will be your chance to advance learning, share successes and lessons-learned and provide you with the opportunity to connect with Canada's digital health leaders and international experts!

Infoway Partnership Conference 2015

November 24-25, 2015
Sheraton Wall Centre
Vancouver, BC

Here are just a few conference highlights to take part in...

  • Plenary sessions that will help you obtain the knowledge and tools to optimize the implementation of interoperable solutions
  • Concurrent sessions that provide opportunities and innovative ways to help advance the use of digital health to improve care
  • Sponsorship opportunities available to showcase your organization and build brand awareness

More details on speakers and registration to be available soon...stay tuned!

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La santé numérique à votre service


Transformer les soins de santé au Canada grâce aux technologies de l'information sur la santé.