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file CA Baseline Governance Stream Meeting - Friday August 20th, 2-3pm EST

  • Messages : 69
il y a 3 ans 5 mois - il y a 3 ans 5 mois #7096 par Sheridan Cook
Here is the updated deck that we used for the discussion noted below for today's call (see slides 8 & 9) CA Baseline Governance Call - Baseline Maturity Level + Expectations Discussion Slide Deck 2021-08-20
Dernière édition: il y a 3 ans 5 mois par Sheridan Cook.

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  • Messages : 461
il y a 3 ans 5 mois - il y a 3 ans 5 mois #7095 par Michael Savage

Sheridan Cook
Michael Savage
Elliot Silver
Thomas Zhou
Rita Pyle
Fariba Behzadi
Harsh Sharma
Irfan Hakim
Ken Sinn
Randy Nonay
Shamil Nizamov

Feedback / Change Mgmt Process

• Sheridan walked the group through some candidate options for platforms and processes to use for capturing feedback and reviewing / processing / resolving changes
• Example out there: OID Submission Guidelines for InfoCentral: infocentral.infoway-inforoute.ca/en/tools/standards-tools/oids
• Both GitHub and Simplifier have the ability to capture issues and tag them in helpful ways to filter them
• If the chosen platforms allows for free-form / unstructured titles, need to enforce strict naming conventions
• Does Simplifier have ability to provide customized approaches to the Issue Log for a profile set? (i.e. make certain fields mandatory, tie each issue in to a specific resource, etc)
• GitHub doesn’t necessarily have the same structure and automated capacities as the HL7 Jira, but ultimately it’s a good choice because it can tie discrete issues to pull / change requests
• Simplifier has a contractual connection to Infoway, so the usage of it is more consistent and less likely to change (i.e. going from free to pay) during our work; don’t want to be reliant on services that get cut off if things change
• Worth reaching out to Infoway re: the Standards Governance email sent out recently, would be helpful if we could align our Feedback / CM Process to anything that they’re already working on (if applicable)
• These processes hinge on the availability of people to raise their hand to be forum moderators / feedback collectors, otherwise we’ll have to keep things as-is and maintain the issue log on Simplifier and just request folks to put in feedback that way
• Next step, finalize the Feedback / CM Process, then get someone to raise their hand to act as moderators & editors
• Main decision points: Whether or not we get people to volunteer for these moderators / editor roles, and whether or not the Standards Governance group is planning a process of their own that we should be aligning our process to
• Next call, will review our formal decision on the above items, then will move on to the agenda items on terminology
Dernière édition: il y a 3 ans 5 mois par Michael Savage.

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  • Messages : 461
il y a 3 ans 5 mois #7091 par Michael Savage
Hi all!

For this Friday the 20th's Governance Meeting, the agenda is as follows:

1. Feedback/Change Mgmt Process: managing / soliciting changes and feedback from the community - how do we want to handle & standardize this? What tools and processes do we want to leverage?

(time permitting)

2. Terminologies expectations - what and where the baseline should be pointing to for terminology bindings (e.g. URLs that have been socialized in other guides) vs creating our own value sets

Thank you!

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