Vous pouvez maintenant accéder à la version de Février 2025 du Répertoire canadien des médicaments à partir de Terminology Gateway et du serveur terminologique, à des fins de consultation ou d’implantation. En savoir plus >

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How do I start a web video conference (ZOOM)?

  1. Log into InfoCentral
  2. Click on Communities in main navigation
  3. Select the group of your choice
  4. Select Web Conference tab
    1. Select the people you'd like to invite to the web conference & add a conference subject. You may also invite others by entering their email in the box provided.
    2. Click Send meeting invitations button
    3. Click Start meeting button to begin your meeting (The first time that you use it, the browser may request to download a client app that will then launch the conference - this may appear differently depending on your device PC, MAC, iphone, Android etc). 
    4. Click on End Meeting button on the Zoom interface to end the meeting for all

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