Vous pouvez maintenant accéder à la version de janvier 2025 du Répertoire canadien des médicaments à partir de Terminology Gateway et du serveur terminologique, à des fins de consultation ou d’implantation. En savoir plus >

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How can I post a new topic or reply to a post in a discussion forum?

You must be logged in and a member of a group (community, working group, or project) to post in a forum. See How do I find and join groups? for more information on joining.

You can post to a forum:

From the InfoCentral homepage

  1. Login if you are not already.
  2. In the Groups section of page, select My Groups
  3. Click on the group that you wish to post in
  4. Select the Forum tab and click on New Topic button
    1. Click on New Topic and enter the subject and message content
    2. You have the option of clicking on the Preview button before clicking on submit
    3. You can also check off the subscribe box to be notified of replies to your post
    4. Complete the New topic form and click on Submit button


From a group's home page

  1. Click on Communities in the main navigation.
  2. Select the group you belong to and want to post in
  3. select the Forum tab and click on New Topic button
    1. Click on New Topic and enter the subject and message content
    2. You have the option of clicking on the Preview button before clicking on submit
    3. You can also check off the Subscribe box to be notified of replies to your post
    4. Complete the New topic form and click on Submit button

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