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file AB Proposed Changes to HL7 Message Specifications

  • Messages : 81
il y a 8 ans 2 mois #1109 par Wendy Huang
Hi Andrew,

I believe you received this error since your access to InfoRMS requires to be granted. In order to grant your access to InfoRMS, please log into:, hover over your username on the top right and select "my preferences". Under Question 4, you need to enter "InfoRMS" and then click Submit.

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I've included an screen shot what the access request page looks like.

Please try it out and let me know if you run into issues. You can also contact Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. for support.


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il y a 8 ans 2 mois #1095 par Andrew Huynh
Hi Wendy, I get a permission error when trying to view these items. Do you know how I can view the above articles?

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  • Messages : 81
il y a 8 ans 3 mois #1079 par Wendy Huang

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il y a 8 ans 6 mois #801 par MIHIR PATEL
Hello All,

I have added an extra column to define which changes are pre-adopted and which one are not, as per our last meeting action item. Please view it and let me know if you have any quesitons.

AB Proposed Changes to HL7 Message Specifications

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  • Messages : 8
il y a 8 ans 7 mois #755 par Andrew Huynh
Apologies for the delay. Here is the updated spreadsheet of changes indicating what the old values were as requested along with the powerpoint presentation.

AB requested changes spreadsheet

AB powerpoint presentation of requested changes

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  • Messages : 2
il y a 8 ans 8 mois #721 par Michael Metcalfe
We had comments on the format of this spreadsheet that we hope you can incorporate.

For the Summary. column, it would be nice to know what the item currently is (before the suggested change). As a reviewer, we need to spend time tracking down the item in question to first see what it was before to determine what the change is, then look at the rationale, then determine if there are any issues. It would be nicer to be able to take a quick glance and dig deeper if there are concerns.

Also, we feel like you may want to expand on the Description/Rationale column. In many cases, you state that you want to be more consistent, but do not give any further rationale. Being consistent is good, but sometimes that is not a good enough reason to warrant a change?

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