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map-pin Schedule Update for the PS-CA v2.0.0 DFT-Ballot Open Review Period

  • Messages : 79
il y a 1 mois 2 semaines #9973 par Allana Cameron
Hello PSWG Members,

There is a flurry of exciting activity underway with PS-CA Projectathon and Plugathon preparations, as well as Patient Summary limited production rollout progress. To allow for optimal use of time and collection of new learnings from these activities, we are changing the open review period to occur following the Projectathon testing in February 2025.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns about the PS-CA v2.0.0 DFT-Ballot, please reach out to us. You are always welcome to enter issues via Jira. You can read more about how to submit your feedback here .

Thanks, Allana

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