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file Open Review Completed: Next Steps for PS-CA, CA Core, and RA Specifications

  • Messages : 14
il y a 4 mois 1 semaine #9702 par Sonia Balgah
Hello everyone,

Thank you to everyone who participated in the review of the PS-CA v2.0.0, CA: Fex v2.1.0, RA v0.2.0 and CA Core + v0.3.0-preBallot specifications. The open review period is now officially closed.

We are now moving into the next phase. The Infoway team will prepare dispositions for each comment and will reach out to submitters only when necessary, rather than conducting a full review of each comment at the PSWG.

The PS-CA v2.0.0 DFT-Ballot will be published in mid-October, allowing stakeholders to begin working with it in preparation for the next Projectathon/Connectathon in February 2025. This approach will enable stakeholders to gain experience with this release between October and December and provide feedback during a formal ballot cycle scheduled before the Projectathon.

Best regards,
Sonia, On behalf of the Interoperability Team

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