Vous pouvez maintenant accéder à la version de decembre 2024 du Répertoire canadien des médicaments à partir de Terminology Gateway et du serveur terminologique, à des fins de consultation ou d’implantation.
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Summer in Canada is a precious time! Therefore, we would like to be mindful of how much we ask of you over the next few months.
We would like to propose the following:
• PSWG meetings be paused until September.
• Now to early August: Infoway team will continue to progress the PS-CA v2.0.0 DFT development according to the scope we have shared in previous meetings. Stay tuned for a list of detailed scope items.
• Mid-August to Mid-September: PS-CA v2.0.0 early DFT will be sent out for review, (i.e., available for your review & feedback).
• September: Infoway team will prepare dispositions for each comment, reaching out to submitters only when necessary, versus a full review of each comment at the PSWG.
• Mid-October: PS-CA v2.0.0 DFT will be published for stakeholders to begin working with, in preparation for the next Projectathon/Connectathon in Feb 2025.
• December to January: Formal balloting. This plan will allow stakeholders to gain experience with this release between Oct - Dec and provide their feedback in a formal ballot cycle scheduled to occur prior to the Projectathon.
In parallel with the PS-CA development, Provincial teams are working on their Patient Summary implementations, with some exciting progress expected over the summer/fall months! We’ll be sure to highlight this in our next PSWG meeting.
In the meantime, we are always here and willing to answer questions and support you. Please feel free to reach out via the forum or at our email: Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
Sonia, on behalf of the Interoperability Team.
Dernière édition: il y a 6 mois 2 jours par Sonia Balgah.