Hi -
I'm forwarding Morgan's message about a current opportunity for research participation. Please contact Morgan directly with any questions.
Dear researchers,
Beyond the Binary: Gender Diversity in cancer health services research is a CIHR-funded study led by Morgan Stirling, PhD (C) at the University of Manitoba and Dr. Alyson Mahar from Queen’s University.
The goal of the study is to improve cancer health services researchers’ ability to meaningfully integrate gender diversity in their research. They are currently recruiting cancer health services researchers to complete a survey on their knowledge about gender diversity, the barriers they face to including gender diversity in their research, and their priorities for change.
The survey is intended for all cancer health services researchers, including trainees and postdocs. Respondents will have the option to receive a $10 gift card after completing the survey.
The link to complete the survey is
If you have any questions, please reach out to Morgan at
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Thank you for considering.