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file Request for comments - Outright International

  • Messages : 38
il y a 8 mois 1 semaine #9497 par Karen Courtney
Outright International is seeking public comments on a pilot guide for identifying the SO/GI/SC of clients. They are requesting feedback by July 1st if possible and keeping comments open until July 10th. Below is the information shared in yesterday's SGWG meeting.

THE PROBLEM -- Most international development and humanitarian organizations have no way of knowing who, among the people they serve, are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) and who is not.

When LGBTIQ people remain invisible, programs -- health clinics, refugee assistance, food programs, and more – can’t meet their needs appropriately.

THE RESPONSE -- Help us develop guidelines

Outright International is developing a guide for local development and humanitarian organizations and they need researchers, LGBTIQ advocates, development and humanitarian professionals to ensure the guide meets the highest standards of practice.


Download the draft guide to provide feedback. The comment period closes on July 1st… July 10th?

Reply or send questions to Andrew Park: Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
link to the the survey:

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