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file Health Analytics Community - Mar 28, 2024 Community Meeting

  • Messages : 302
il y a 10 mois 2 semaines #9250 par Finnie Flores
Hi Farah. Yes, it got recorded. I am in the process of uploading it. Stay tuned...

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  • Messages : 2
il y a 10 mois 2 semaines #9247 par Farah McCrate
Thank you Finnie. I see the link to the slides above. Was it also recorded after all?



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  • Messages : 302
il y a 10 mois 2 semaines #9240 par Finnie Flores
Thanks again to Christine McKenzie for providing an overview of the Pan-Canadian Health Data Content Framework! Here is the link to her presentation: infocentral.infoway-inforoute.ca/en/resources/docs/health-analytics/4339-mar-28-2024-health-informatics-pan-canadian-health-data-content-framework

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  • Messages : 302
il y a 10 mois 3 semaines #9221 par Finnie Flores
Thanks, Farah for your interest and inquiry. I will ask the presenter and if there is no issue with recording, will do so.


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  • Messages : 2
il y a 10 mois 3 semaines #9220 par Farah McCrate

I am wondering if this event is going to be recorded? I have a conflict but would love to hear dialogue afterward.


Farah McCrate
Senior Advisor, System Performance and Analytics

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  • Messages : 302
il y a 10 mois 3 semaines #9211 par Finnie Flores
Hello all,

Join the Infoway Health Analytics Community on March 28th at 2:00 PM EST for a presentation by Christine McKenzie, Program Consultant with the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) on The Foundation for Semantic Interoperability in Canada - Introducing the pan-Canadian Health Data Content Framework.

CIHI and Canada Health Infoway are partnering to modernize the flow of health information and to create a connected health system. CIHI has an important role in defining and standardizing the health data that will be exchanged, which is the first building block in the Shared pan-Canadian Interoperability Roadmap. Come learn more about pan-Canadian Health Data Content Framework and its deliverables.

Register here for free to join: infoway-inforoute.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ud-2vpjMtHtD0KVhnEIhsASW5zHWWtFfw#/registration

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Modérateurs: Linda MonicoFinnie Flores

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