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question-circle Telehealth group guidelines

  • Messages : 2
il y a 3 mois 1 semaine #9850 par Pascale Simard
Réponse de Pascale Simard sur le sujet Telehealth group guidelines
Thank you. I will be looking into those documents with our team. Have a great day!

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  • Messages : 41
il y a 3 mois 1 semaine #9847 par Rashaad Bhyat
Réponse de Rashaad Bhyat sur le sujet Telehealth group guidelines
hi Pascale,

Here are a few resources that describe group visits or interventions using virtual care (video visits) / telehealth:

Hamilton Health Sciences (ON)

Holland Bloorview (ON) - a speciality pediatric rehabilitation hospital


Also, here is the Clinician Change Virtual Care Toolkit, that Infoway produced a few years ago with partners. It might be of more general interest:

I hope that this helps,

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  • Messages : 2
il y a 3 mois 4 semaines #9795 par Pascale Simard
we are looking to get documents with some guidelines or best practices when doing Group intervention by video meeting.
Any help on this will be greatly appreciate!
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