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file Localization in ressource definition

  • Messages : 84
il y a 1 an 1 mois #8553 par Randy Nonay
I'd be extremely careful using something like OpenAI to perform translations. These tools are extremely vulnerable to bad input - eg people intentionally telling it incorrect values are correct. This means that the results can't be depended on. There was recently in the news a lawyer that had used ChatGPT to generate a briefing - and it returned fake case information that he didn't detect until after the judge he submitted to pointed out the issue.

There is also the fact that you must be extremely careful to not include any identifiable information - these tools log everything they receive for ever...

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  • Messages : 433
il y a 1 an 1 mois #8540 par Linda Parisien
Just a reminder that any translation of SNOMED CT concepts must be approved by the Canadian National Release Center. The translations can be added to the Canadian Edition of SNOMED CT by submitting a request for change at Infoway.

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  • Messages : 64
il y a 1 an 1 mois #8537 par Sheridan Cook
Erik - this doesn't speak to the translation extension but I did hear about some interesting tooling that is demonstrating resource text creation and translation:

It's a proof of concept out of SNOMED to demonstrate how Large Language Model tools like OpenAI could be used to generate an initial summarized text for a resource using the details in the elements in the style of a clinician summary and it also has some translation prompts that could be expanded.

You need to get an OpenAI key to run it but it's free to sign up for a key and there is a link in the demo.

It goes without saying that use of this type of technology is really new in our industry - so how it works in production (e.g., localized instances, segmentation of data in queries for privacy, etc) is something that isn't well defined.

But I bring it up to see if there is interest in exploring the proof of concept further at future IPS connectathon tracks (e.g., have an outside app pass resources for summarization and request additional translations be included in resource.text).

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  • Messages : 84
il y a 1 an 1 mois #8536 par Tim Berezny
I believe the author is asking about a HealthcareService listing directory. So in particular service name and description need translating. A few value sets may need translating to (like for the HealthcareService.type field).

Name an description would usually be translated by a human, the .type valueset would be pre-defined.

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  • Messages : 84
il y a 1 an 1 mois #8535 par Tim Berezny
I believe the author is asking about a HealthcareService listing directory. So in particular service name and description need translating. A few value sets may need translating to (like for the HealthcareService.type field).

Name an description would usually be translated by a human, the .type valueset would be pre-defined.

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  • Messages : 28
il y a 1 an 2 mois #8518 par Elliot Silver
I think it's important to understand what you are looking for in a translation. Are you hoping for code display values in one of a choice of languages, or available in multiple languages? Are you expecting one instance of a resource to be in one language, while another instance of that resource is in another language, or are you expecting all instances to be in all languages? How will you be handling user-provided textual content? Will the clients be providing multiple language content, or is this expected to be supported on the server? Are you talking about "clinical" resources, or are you interested in implementation guides and conformance resources? All of the previous respondents answers are correct, but which is relevant to you depends on what you're trying to do.

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