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Given that our next Governance call falls on Remembrance Day, which some of our participants are off for, we have agreed to cancel the November 11th CA Baseline Call.
There is also special presentation on Canadian Common Data Standards on November 18th at 1400 hrs ET. Given the particular relevance to our CA Baseline Governance topic this month, we have agreed to offer up our profiling call time slot. Please pre-register for the event by clicking on the link provided here: infoway-inforoute.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwucuiqrDojGdIkWGE0wpbQz-UP0GoFIEqp
We will return to the regular schedule of calls starting on November 25th with our established CA Baseline Governance call that will focus on identifying which goals/activities of the CA Baseline are/are not independent of Common Data Standard (e.g., CA Core).