This is a request for a namespace OID to represent the license numbers issued to pharmacies by the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba. The College of Pharmacists of Manitoba issues license numbers having the same format to both pharmacists and pharmacies, therefore a separate namespace is required for the pharmacy license numbers.
OID Description: Namespace for the identifiers issued to pharmacies by the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPHM). The College of Pharmacists of Manitoba was formerly known as the Manitoba Pharmaceutical Association (MPHA).
OID Symbolic name: cphm-pcyln
Responsible Body & Contact Information:
Marc L’Arrivee, P. Eng., CTSS
Information Standards Specialist | Digital Health
Shared Health
900-330 Portage Ave., Winnipeg MB R3C 0C4
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Proposed FHIR URI: None
To be published: HL7 OIDs Registry
Request form can be found here: