Faites-nous part de vos impressions sur le Serveur terminologique, et aidez-nous à améliorer nos services! Vous avez jusqu’au 3 décembre 2024 pour répondre au sondage. Votre avis nous intéresse!
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As mentioned on our last call, we are moving the focus of these 'Profile stream' Friday meetings (i.e. the ones which occur on the off-weeks from the Governance stream meetings) toward working through the Issue Logs that we are tracking for each of our Canadian Baseline Profiles. In other words, we are not starting any new Due Diligence Review comparisons for the foreseeable future.
You are welcome to join during the 2-3pm timeslot to observe the process of working through these changes as we commit them to the profiles. We will be starting with the more 'entities'-aligned profiles (Patient Practitioner Location Organization, etc.)