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While we may draft a secondary deck targeted towards the more technical sub-committees (e.g., Alberta HL7/messaging Sub Committee, BC FHIR Working Group) that inform/advise the larger working groups (e.g., Alberta HISCA, BC HISWG/HISSC) we want to first get our higher level ask ready. Though if you have thoughts on the technical flavor of this deck, please feel free to share them as well.
Please email Mike (Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.) or Sheridan (Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.) with your thoughts on content that needs to be added so we have time to get your ideas in before the meeting on March 5th.
This Friday's CA Baseline Governance meeting will be focused on firming up the presentation and plan to get in front of jurisdictional operational working groups (BC CIS, Alberta HISCA, Ontario OH BTC, and others) to ask for advocacy and endorsement of the CA Baseline. Come prepared with any additional jurisdictional/operational working groups that you think would fill some of our gaps around non-Ontario/BC representation.
Update group on the Due Diligence Review progress
Review slide deck oriented towards "Jurisdictions and Region - Operational Levels" stakeholder
Discuss logistics for getting on jurisdictional operational working group agendas (BC: Conformance Integration Services, Alberta HISCA , Ontario Health Business and Technical Committee)
Determine if there are other "Jurisdictions and Region - Operational Levels" workgroups from other provinces we should be trying to get in front of