Faites-nous part de vos impressions sur le Serveur terminologique, et aidez-nous à améliorer nos services! Vous avez jusqu’au 3 décembre 2024 pour répondre au sondage. Votre avis nous intéresse!
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1. Yaron Derman
2. Gavin Tong
3. Kenneth Sinn
4. Rita Pyle
5. Shamil Nizamov
6. Thomas Zhou
7. Tim Berezny
8. Lorraine Constable
9. Patrick Loyd
10. Janice Spence
Discussion Items:
FHIR North
FHIR North is 2 days this year, using the Feedloop conference platform
Intent to still offer both presentations (Academy) and hands-on (Code camp)
ACTION ITEM: Gavin - to speak with Mike Savage about whether there are opportunities to bring work back to this community from the presenters at the conference
eReferral spec is stable but requires a circle back. Alberta has found some portions not clear enough; resources note available for a second pass
Alberta will use this as a base for Alberta's eReferral Service. Ideally, any Alberta new/specific requirements could be folded into the current
iGuide so that it is pan-Canadian rather than a distinct Alberta eReferral iGuide
Community discussed what would be the governance process to make this national and the need for dedicated resources
Two possibilities would be via HL7 Canada or IHE Canada
Would be helpful to have a FHIR expert person that can document and write the iGuide
Generally, this funding for this type of resource is driven by a funded project
ACTION: Yaron to inquire about support for iGuide review
ACTION: Yaron to reach out to Derek Ritz and Ron Parker regarding moving the eReferral iGuide towards national/international governance
On a related note, Alberta is also reviewing the Ontario Provincial Provider Registry FHIR iGuide to align
BC is a few months out from rolling out a Provider Registry iGuide as well (contact Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. for further info)
Healthcare Service Directory
Tim is leading the development of a healthcare service directory iGuide with the goal of publishing a testable specification
Two day virtual workshop in September
Lots of interest across many groups ( 21 registrations so far)
Main focus with be on HealthcareService. Plan is to point to/leverage the Location and Organization resources from Canadian Baseline
The first installment of the quarterly approach to the community-wide updates call is tomorrow from 12-1pm EST. I'm posting the draft agenda here along with my apologies for not getting the meeting content and communications out to the Community sooner. A big thank-you to Gavin for agreeing to facilitate the meeting.
1. Updates
1a. FHIR North 2020 – Fully Virtual & Coast-to-Coast
1b. Open Call for Updates
2. Updates From Stream Leads
2a. eReferral
2b. HL7 Canada Council (attendance of lead permitting)
2c. Canadian FHIR Baseline Profiles