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file Canadian FHIR Baseline Profiles Workstream Meeting - May 10th, 2-3pm EST

  • Messages : 428
il y a 4 ans 11 mois #4972 par Michael Savage
Open Action Items Summary

• ACTION ITEM: Should pull up some terms of reference used in other groups, such as HL7 International, eHealth Ontario, the Netherlands with their baseline work, and use what makes sense to us
• ACTION ITEM: Michael to follow-up with those who have expressed interest in profiling the remaining US Core Profiles not already drafted as Canadian Core drafts, and to provide avenues for other members to express interest in taking on some of this work (Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.)
• ACTION ITEM: For future meeting, should do a walkthrough of our current Canadian Core Patient Profile and analyze given some of the other Patient Profile work out there
• ACTION ITEM: Michael to update list of remaining profiles to be brought over to Canadian Core with those who have volunteered to look at them
• ACTION ITEM: Michael to re-post key links in meeting notes (GitHub, IG Publisher, Google Deck) routinely for ease of accesss
o (Canadian Core Draft on IG Publisher)
o (GitHub view of Canadian Core Draft)
o (Google Slide Deck)

Update – HL7 International – Items from Meeting Relevant to Canadian Core Work

• Da Vinci Project
o Financial and clinical data
o Funded by ONC
o Might be able to re-use some of their work

• Lots of presence from US Vendors
o Important point is that they tend to bring their use cases with them
o Important for us to ensure that we are supporting data exchange across jurisdictions and not just self-contained health systems
o Example: active medication lists come from a variety of sources

• Firely promised support of R4 on
o Will need some things from CHI
o Policy on creation of URIs; need a commitment from CHI that URIs and value sets are stable (base URL needs to be stable as well); if not, it is a risk to implementers

• International Patient Summary is a big topic
o Alignment between European and Argonaut project
o Essentially “what’s important to know about a patient”
o Important work to look at, to help us tighten up our Canadian Core version of the Patient Profile
o It’s a collaborative effort between HL7, ISO, & others (?)
o Intent is to support a cross-border record; “what’s the minimum data set that’s common to all countries (i.e. meds, allergies, etc.)
o Norway is looking at basing their Core profiles on IPS

Reminder – Open Door for Profiling Work

• Question on approach to constraints
o US Core really focuses on ‘must support’
o Approach is to focus on ‘must support’ and not reject data that is optional

• ACTION ITEM: for future meeting, should do a walkthrough of our current Canadian Core Patient Profile and analyze given some of the other Patient Profile work out there

• ACTION ITEM: Michael to update list of remaining profiles to be brought over to Canadian Core with those who have volunteered to look at them

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  • Messages : 132
il y a 4 ans 11 mois #4961 par Lloyd Mckenzie
Not sure if I'll make the call. One thing to consider in terms of Simplifier is whether we want to embed mappings from our CA-core profiles to any of the pan-Canadian standards and - if so - how well those will show up in Simplifier. I know I can get them to show up with the IGPublisher. I'm not so sure about Simplifier. (That said, it should be possible for us to expose the content through both if that's something we decide is important to us.)

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  • Messages : 428
il y a 4 ans 11 mois #4959 par Michael Savage
Hi all,

The (quite light) draft agenda for the May 10th (2-3pm EST) stream meeting is below:

1. Review - Recap and Updates since last meeting
2. Update – any Canadian Core-related updates / news from HL7 Montreal meeting attendees?
3. Update – R4 on
4. Reminder – Open door for profiling work
5. Next Steps - Immediate action items going forward

The Zoom meeting and dial-in details can be found in the relevant calendar invite in the events calendar page here:

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