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file FHIR Implementers' Community Call - July 26, 12-1 EST

  • Messages : 41
il y a 6 ans 10 mois #2941 par Yaron Derman
A reminder to the FHIR community that the August meeting is cancelled. the next meeting will be in September 27th, 12 - 1 ET.

Enjoy the remainder of the summer!

Gavin and Yaron

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  • Messages : 127
il y a 6 ans 10 mois #2887 par Attila Farkas
The Business Case work stream deliverable is available here: Business Case .

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  • Messages : 41
il y a 6 ans 10 mois #2884 par Yaron Derman
Open Action Items Summary
June 28:2 - Yaron to update the landing page content with a summary of the progress over tha past 6 months - IN PROGRESS
July 26:1 - Gavin to notify community that August meeting will be cancelled and remove meeting invite from community calendar
July 26:2 - Gavin/Yaron/Attila - add a discussion item to the September community call regarding approaches for promoting FHIR via Infoway's newsletter and Partnership conference
July 26:3 - Community - If you are interested in learning more about eReferrals, email Tim Berezny (Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.) to request access to the Asana project team site
July 26:4 - Attila to share the URL for the FHIR business case

June 28, 2017 Attendees:
Shamil Nizamov
Igor Sirkovich,
Gavin Tong
Yaron Derman
Smita Kachroo
Alan Leung
Attila Farkas
Sisira De Silva
John Wills
Radhika Verma
Lloyd McKenzie
Jean Duteau
Janice Spence
Joel Francis

Draft Agenda:
• Welcomed Radhika to the community

Agenda and action item review
• DECISION: cancel the August monthly meeting

• Action item in progress
o June 28:2 - Yaron to update the landing page content with a summary of the progress over tha past 6 months - UPDATE: Yaron is drafting updated 'landing page' content. There will be a table with the workstreams, objectives/deliverables, and progress to date. The co-chairs will be asked to contribute the content for their respective workstreams
• The following action items were CLOSED during the call:
o May 24:2: Yaron to see if there is anyone at OTN who wants to share what they are doing with SMART on FHIR.
o June 28:1 - Gavin to ask Infoway if we can gain some of the Partnership agenda time to showcase the progress we are making AND an Infocentral newsletter item -
o June 28:3 - Igor to post on FHIR chat about this community to make new people
o June 28:4 - Yaron to coordinate with Vaughan to get up to speed with the various workstreams

HL7 Canada elections
• Jean Duteau provided an overview of the HL7 Canada council
• Would like to get more info about how all HL7 products (v2, v3, FHIR etc) are being used across Canada
• Seeking another nominee - feel free to contact Melva Peters and Jean with questions

Updates from stream leads:
Registries - no updates
• Yaron provided the update
• Tim has created a workflow diagram to illustrates the transactions/flows between actors (available from the eReferral Asana project site)
• Lloyd identified that this is more of a messaging approach and that if RESTful approach is being used, the Task resource would be very helpful for tracking the status of the Referral as it moves across actors. Lloyd has offered to join the eReferral workstream call to explain how the Task resource can be used
• Aim is to align this work with other FHIR eReferral and eConsult specifications
• ACTION 7:26:1: If you are interested in learning more about eReferrals, email Tim Berezny to request access to the Asana project team site

• Attila provided the update
• Infoway is working on a FHIR strategy, including tooling
• They will be publishing a FHIR Canadian registry in August based on Furore's Simplifier
• Aim is to have all of FHIR initiatives across Canada by April 2018
• Everyone case access and view, registered users can modify the specifications
• Infoway is willing to invest in adding features to Simplifier if the community demonstrates interest in them being available
• Interest in developing a single-sign-on capability
• Canada is an early adopter of this approach (Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Finland have proceeded us). HL7 International is also in discussions with Furore

Biz case development
• Attila provided the update
• It is difficult to make estimates on the cost savings because of the complexity in assigning cost values to the many variables
• There is a business case overview on Infoscribe that describes FHIR and the positives and challenges that should be considered
• This workstream will be considered closed
• ACTION 7:26:2: Attila to share the URL for the FHIR business case

Solution architecture

• Igor provided the update
• Focus on Canadian URIs
• Modeled after the NamingSystem resource
• Once the work is completed, there will be a need to set up governance and maintenance processes to keep it up-to-date going forward and market it so there is awareness and collaboration to make it 'the source' for Canada going forward

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  • Messages : 47
il y a 6 ans 10 mois #2866 par Gavin Tong

The draft agenda for the FHIR Implementers' Community Call is below. As a reminder, the calendar invite with connection details can be found on the event calendar here:

Draft Agenda:
Agenda and action item review
HL7 Canada elections
Updates from stream leads:
Biz case development
Solution architecture



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