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file Upcoming FHIR Community Call - May 24, 12 - 1 EST

  • Messages : 47
il y a 7 ans 5 mois #2629 par Gavin Tong

Notes from this week's FHIR Community Call are below.

Yaron Derman, Natalya Pogrebetsky, Smita Kachroo, Ken Sinn, Fariba Behzadi, Janice Spence, Fang, Sahaana Uthayacumar, Gavin Tong, Kris Lewis, Attila Farkas, Tim Berezny, Alex Goel, John Wills, Pierre Beauchemin, Rita Pyle, Anil Patel,

Mar 22:1 - Tim Berezny to see if there is anyone else interested in SMART on FHIR and working on Canadianizing the US Profiles. CLOSED
• Tim is looking at using SMART on FHIR for his implementation, and he’s willing to share what he’s done.
• OTN is using pieces of SMART on FHIR. Yaron to see if we can find anyone there who wants to join the WG.
Mar 22:2 - Yaron to post the google sheet and share with the forum, others to contribute. CLOSED.
Jan 25:4: Rod Thurber to reach out to RelayHealth to get involved in eReferral workstream. CLOSED.
Jan 25:5: Susan Anderson: find out if someone from Orion to get involved in eReferral workstream. CLOSED.

May 24:1: Gavin to update event instance on Infocentral with correct URL and Dial-In #
May 24:2: Yaron to see if there is anyone at OTN who wants to share what they are doing with SMART on FHIR.
May 24:3: Attila to post his notes on the HL7 WGM including the link to the HL7 WIKI on Registries.

May 24:4: Gavin to follow up with Rod and Susan to see if they know people who want to join the eReferral workstream.

1. Updates (Gavin, 10 mins):
HL7 WGM in Madrid: 302 attendees (vs 525 for the previous WGM). Productive sessions focused on advancing various topics, with a heavy focus on FHIR in the majority of the working groups. 2 new affiliates joined – HL7 Poland and HL7 United Arab Emirates for a total of 36 affiliates. Netherlands has published FHIR profiles and established governance around them, and Norway reported out on a number of FHIR related initiatives and using Simplifier.net to register profiles. Planning is underway for a FHIR Dev Days event in the US, similar to the one Furore has put on in the Netherlands previously.
Slides available here: infocentral.infoway-inforoute.ca/en/resources/docs/hl7/2051-hl7-international-wgm-may-2017-update

Attila has several pages of notes on tooling, and will share those findings at the next FHIR tooling WG meeting.
Attila noted that Simplifier.net has an overview of all the different profiles created by people from different countries.

Yaron asked if there is a person from HL7 Netherlands that could share their experiences in setting up rules for the governance and maintenance. Attila believes there will be recommendations on this topic coming out of the business case and tooling tracks.

Ken asked if there were any updates on terminology and vocabulary at the HL7 WGM, and some intel about harmonizing vocabulary across different HL7 versions. Attila attended the connectathon and noted that the big focus going forward will be more on the semantic interoperability. He noted that there are several terminology servers available to support the connectathons, but doesn’t know if there are any specific work items related to this harmonization.

FHIR North: 238 registrants. The day focused on providing education sessions in parallel to the connectathon. The connectathon featured FHIR based exchanges with systems representing components of Ontario’s EHR, such as the Ontario Lab Information System, Digital Health Drug and Immunization Repositories, HRM, and others. Majority of participants where there for the education. Probably a symptom of two things: marketing not reaching developers and the fact that it’s still early days for many organizations as they are likely in the Awareness and Deciding to act – using the ADKAR model of change.

Attila will provide a high-level overview of the same presentation he provided at FHIR north will be presented at Friday’s tooling meeting.

2. Roundtable:

Natalya reported that the last few meetings have been on sharing what different implementers have built to date. The next meeting will be focused on providing eHealth Ontario business model overview for PR and CR.

Attila noted that during the HL7 WGM connectathon he came across a wealth of knowledge on the HL7 Wiki about registries and work that is happening internationally.
May 24:3: Attila to post his notes on the HL7 WGM including the link to the HL7 WIKI on registries.

Attila noted that the weekly meeting stopped about 2 weeks before FHIR North. One of the things they were looking at was API generation and the other on FHIR Profile Registry. The working group hasn’t had a chance to work on these topics for a month but are hoping to reinvigorate the confirmations. Attila noted that he received great feedback from HL7 WGM attendees who supported the idea of going from capability statements through to API generation, as well as a desire to share tooling information and work together on evolving them.

Attila reported that the work on FHIR API generation has evolved well but the work on the FHIR Registry needs some strategic thinking and input from professionals in the field. These will continue to be discussed at the Friday meeting.

Gavin asked for examples of strategic considerations with the FHIR Registry. Attila noted that there are number of implementations out there like – HAPI FHIR, Graham Grieves implementation, etc. and Furore’s Simplifier, Forge and their new FHIR server/client side resources. All three are reactive to changes and evolution of FHIR. It would be inefficient for Canada to go off and build its own, and instead determine how to invest in the current tooling work.

Business Case
Attila noted that the best role for us is to ensure we share knowledge and tools from across Canada and around the world. SMART on FHIR is being brought under HL7 international governance and there would theoretically be rules for its use in Canada. An end goal could be a portal that helps developers determine if their Smart on FHIR app conforms to profiles in Canada, and could be used in other parts of the world.

The business case has reached a point that it was ready for reviewing. Feedback from one reviewer was that it seemed a bit pessimistic and didn’t provide an optimistic view. Igor contributed some quantifiable benefits for the work. This track will likely merge into the tooling track by focusing on how FHIR can add value rather than articulating a specific business case.

Solution Architecture
Kris said that there has been good work developing the URI spreadsheet and the next meeting is on Friday. Natalya reported that they are working on how to spell out the URI names (e.g. health card number instead of HCN), and that there is a proposal out for people to review the spreadsheet and provide their feedback.

Tim reported that they have a new co-chair – Caryn Harris (Orion Health) - and they’ve met to lay out plans going forward. The group is working on defining the eReferral pathways and putting boundaries on them. The WG has a good number of representatives from the eReferral vendor community to contribute to conversations, but needs more warm bodies to do actual work. Tim is building an API and bringing back to the group with questions and getting feedback from them. Once all the key questions are resolved, there will be a step where this gets converted into an actual implementation guide.

Tim presented a quick demo on an app and the referral request data package that is sent to a server, and then at the server using a bit of SMART on FHIR approach to managing workflow/business processes.

Tim noted that they are open to others if they want to try using the ‘EMR lite’ tool that CareDove has built to send messages to their products/apps.

3. Any new projects that would like broader input / review (Yaron, 5 mins)
This item was skipped due to lack of time.

4. Recruitment drive (Yaron, 5 mins)
Reminder to all to encourage others to attend the FHIR Implementers WG call and/or the topic focused calls. There is a lot of great progress on the tooling fronts, URI, and eReferral API work that people across the country probably want to know about.

5. Additional discussion items (15 mins)

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  • Messages : 128
il y a 7 ans 5 mois #2628 par Attila Farkas
Hi everyone,

As promised during the monthly FHIR WG call, I have uploaded my notes from attending the HL7 International WG meetings in Madrid, June 5-12, 2017. The document (since it's long) is uploaded to the document section. You can download it here: Notes from HL7 WG meeting . Feel free to send me any questions you may have.


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  • Messages : 41
il y a 7 ans 6 mois #2598 par Yaron Derman
Hi Everyone,

Below is the proposed agenda for the upcoming May 24 monthly FHIR community call and tcon/videoconference info. Please let me know if there are additional discussion items you would like included.

1. Updates (Gavin, 10 mins):
- HL7 WGM in Madrid
- FHIR North
2. Roundtable: updates from the workgroups – progress, successes, issues (Co-chairs: 5 mins per workstream)
3. Any new projects that would like broader input / review (Yaron, 5 mins)
4. Recruitment drive (Yaron, 5 mins)
5. Additional discussion items? (15 mins)

video conferencing: zoom.us/j/563726340
Teleconference #: 1 877 369 0926 Meeting ID: 563 726 340

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