Faites-nous part de vos impressions sur le Serveur terminologique, et aidez-nous à améliorer nos services! Vous avez jusqu’au 3 décembre 2024 pour répondre au sondage. Votre avis nous intéresse!
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At the top of the page you can find a News&Events menu item. This holds the calendar of everything scheduled. If you click the meeting from the 22nd you'll see a calendar icon on the right side. That gives you an ical downloadable event you can accept through outlook, Here's the link to the meeting:
ical event
Just a reminder that our next meeting February 22. As per Yaron's original email we'd like all the stream leads to be prepared to present an update on how they are progressing on their work plans. Draft agenda below:
1) Welcome, agenda and action item review (Yaron - 5 mins)
2) Work stream work plan updates (Work Stream Leads - 40 mins)
3) Infoway Tooling Update (Attila - 10 mins)
4) Wrap up and next steps (Gavin - 5 mins)