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  • Messages : 128
il y a 8 ans 2 mois #1697 par Attila Farkas
Réponse de Attila Farkas sur le sujet Tooling
Thank you for your comment Ken. It appears that we are likely to be going to use the new FHIR build methodology given that it is a lot more lightweight and leads to better content update/publication times. This is my guess only at this time, the next tooling meeting will likely make a more formal recommendation. During this upcoming meeting we should also discuss the matter of existing profiles published using former methods.

With regards to your question concerning jurisdictional guides, I think this is a great opportunity for us collectively to realize that there is no need to categorize them anymore. There is going to be Canadian work done to resolve a problem. Jurisdictional work from this perspective, in my opinion, is nothing more than being the first one to come forth with a need to develop a solution. Once the solution is there others can use it. If they can't it will lead to another solution. The best one will get reused and this is what might lead to sharing and standardization. In other words, we should strive to having one registry of Canadian FHIR artifacts.

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  • Messages : 84
il y a 8 ans 2 mois #1692 par Ken Sinn
Réponse de Ken Sinn sur le sujet Tooling
Thank you Attila and Andrew for the presentation and prototyping work.

To follow up Lloyd's response regarding versioning, does that imply that the profile repository (using the Continuous Integration Build, as suggested by Lloyd) will be based latest FHIR version (e.g. v1.6.0)?

Will the profile respository also host jurisdictional profiles? What does this mean for in-progress/published jurisdictional profiles that were based on an older version (e.g. v1.4.0)?

I'm happy to leave these topics for a subsequent call, if we don't have the answers yet. Just want to make sure we keep some of these in mind.

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  • Messages : 128
il y a 8 ans 2 mois #1691 par Attila Farkas
Réponse de Attila Farkas sur le sujet Tooling
The meeting to discuss tooling is now on at: :

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  • Messages : 128
il y a 8 ans 2 mois #1690 par Attila Farkas
Réponse de Attila Farkas sur le sujet Tooling
The meeting to discuss tooling is now on at: :

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  • Messages : 128
il y a 8 ans 2 mois #1674 par Attila Farkas
Réponse de Attila Farkas sur le sujet Tooling
Thank you Igor, I suspected that the first kick at the can may not work. We asked Lloyd and James to try to give some guidance so I'm setting up a conference call for next week. Here's a Doodle poll for everyone who wants to attend, please choose the best time(s) slot: FHIR Tooling Call .

As mentioned in the poll preference will be given to the slot where both Lloyd and James are available and most expressed a desire to participate. We'll go from there then.

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  • Messages : 181
il y a 8 ans 2 mois - il y a 8 ans 2 mois #1673 par Igor Sirkovich
Réponse de Igor Sirkovich sur le sujet Tooling
Hi Attila,

Re: "2. FHIR Editors", the spreadsheets approach is deprecated, though it's still possible to author profiles using spreadsheets for legacy reasons. IG Publisher Documentation at describes the current process for authoring implementation guides.

Dernière édition: il y a 8 ans 2 mois par Igor Sirkovich.

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