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file SNOMED International seeking input from Members on SNOMED CT Collaborations

  • Messages : 437
il y a 2 mois 1 semaine #9840 par Linda Parisien
As part of the SNOMED International Business meetings, SNOMED International is seeking input from Member countries to help update their 2025-2030 strategic engagement and collaboration with other important partners in the healthcare ecosystem. If you are using any of the below collaborations’ outcomes, and can share the information requested with the Canadian Standards Release Centre (Infoway) and with SNOMED International, please provide input via this Forum, or by sending an email to Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. by Friday, 22th November 2024.

• CDISC is a global non-profit organization that provides industry standards to support the electronic acquisition, exchange, submission and archiving of clinical trials data and metadata for medical and biopharmaceutical product development.
• Since May 2009, SNOMED International and CDISC formalized a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which focused on:]
o exploring the use of SNOMED CT subsets with CDISC standards
o handle licensing (granting full use in Member and non-member for research) (with a license agreement updated in 2017)
o explore opportunities to align CDISC standards and controlled terminology (published in NCI Thesaurus) and to address disease-specific standards
o define achievable goals and/or near-term projects to better understand the intent of harmonization
• SI is seeking feedback on new and existing use cases and requirements on the use of CDISC and SNOMED CT.

• SI has been approached by WONCA to potentially produce a map between SNOMED CT and ICPC-3 - what they are currently referencing is out of date. This would be a proposed new agreement with WONCA, but SI needs to identify whether there are requirements/use cases.
• The International Classification of Primary Care, Version 3 (ICPC-3) has been developed and is maintained by the WONCA International Classification Committee (WICC).
• Previously, SI and WONCA had a collaboration agreement, which led to the International Family Physician/General Practitioner Special Interest Group and the development and release of the SNOMED CT GP/FP refset and a map to ICPC-2.
• SI is seeking for any use cases and requirements for creating a map between SNOMED CT and ICPC-3 (including the DIRECTION of a potential map).

• This is an active collaboration and SI is continuing to seek implementation examples to evaluate if the maps are consistent with the requirements of Members and stakeholders.
• Two maps are available: SNOMED CT to MedDRA and MedDRA to SNOMED CT, to facilitate exchange of data between regulatory databases (which use MedDRA) and healthcare systems (which use SNOMED CT).
o The SNOMED CT to MedDRA map is used for pharmacovigilance, adverse event reporting to regulatory authorities or for the purposes of epidemiological research.
o The MedDRA to SNOMED CT map is used to represent adverse events, warnings and other regulatory information, which can then be converted into SNOMED CT so that information can be available within the patient record and used for clinical decision support.
SI is seeking feedback and use case examples of the maps. Are one (or both directions) of the maps being used in Canada, if so, how? Feedback on implemented use will help to ensure the mapping principles and scope are accurate and consistent for your use case.

Thank you!

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