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file January 2024 SNOMED CT GP/FP package now available

  • Messages : 36
il y a 3 mois 3 jours #9422 par Janice Spence
The Production release of the January 2024 SNOMED CT® General Practitioner/Family Practitioner (GP/FP) Reference Sets package is now available, from the MLDS distribution site.

The Production release of the SNOMED CT® General Practitioner/Family Practitioner (GP/FP) Reference Sets package is dependent upon, and should therefore be consumed in conjunction with the January 2024 SNOMED CT® International Edition.

All files distributed are available from the “January 2024 v1.0” version in the “SNOMED CT GP/FP Refset package” project, which can be found on the “SNOMED Releases” page in MLDS, accessed here (please ensure that you login to MLDS first):

For access to MLDS please request here

The SNOMED CT® GP/FP Reference Sets package contains SNOMED CT files in Release Format 2 (RF2) only, distributed in a zipped file archive:

The Release Notes have been separated from the release package, and so can be downloaded as a distinct pdf file from the same MLDS release version:


The Release Notes can also be accessed online from the following page:

If you have any questions about the January 2024 SNOMED CT® GP/FP Reference Sets package, or have difficulties downloading the files from the distribution site, please contact SNOMED International at Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. with “January 2024 SNOMED CT® GP/FP Reference Sets package release question” in the subject line.

Please  contact us if you have questions about accessing MLDS for downloading the map package. 

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Modérateurs: Linda MonicoNaomi BrooksHelen Wu

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