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file SNOMED International Briefing Note on Content Improvements in the Substance and Product Hierarchies

  • Messages : 433
il y a 4 ans 2 mois #5707 par Linda Parisien
SNOMED International has published a February 2020 briefing note with more detailed information related to the retirement of concepts in the “Allergy to substance” sub-hierarchy. All briefing notes on the Substance and Product hierarchies can be found on the Drugs Project group’s Confluence page.

Let Infoway know if you have concerns about the proposal and timelines, by posting on this forum or at Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

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  • Messages : 433
il y a 4 ans 5 mois #5552 par Linda Parisien
Here is the a link to a briefing note on a proposal from the Allergies/Hypersensitivity and Intolerance Clinical Reference Group for retiring allergy/pseudoallergy grouper concepts in the Substance hierarchy:

Let Infoway know if you have concerns about the proposal and timelines, by posting on this forum or at Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

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Modérateurs: Linda MonicoNaomi BrooksHelen Wu

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