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file Confirm Community Scope!

  • Messages : 437
il y a 6 ans 9 mois #3977 par Linda Parisien
Hi everyone,
As mentioned in my initial post, until we meet on May 30, I will be asking questions to the community on several topics so you all get a chance to discuss, add your input and get prepared for taking an informed decision at the Kick-off meeting. Here is the first question:

What should be the scope for this new Community?
  • Information sharing?
  • Education?
  • Promotion of work that can be leveraged by others?
  • Solicitation of partners in joint work?
  • Sharing of questions, issues and solutions?
  • Brainstorming on approaches to achieve standardization by implementation?
  • Spawn off working groups as required that bring updates back to this community?
  • Determine future needs, direction and roadmap of this community?
If you have additional perspectives, please share them with the group!

Good discussions!

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