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file Feedback/comments on October meeting

  • Messages : 11
il y a 4 mois 1 semaine #9870 par Myriam Talantikit
Thank you for your comments Etran!

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  • Messages : 3
il y a 4 mois 1 semaine #9861 par Etran Bouchouar
Hi Myriam,

From the NVC perspective, our priority is the development of Patient-Friendly Picklists.

Regarding subset merging, we can merge the subsets within the NVC using the current structure and mark agents as either active or passive based on their subset membership. If the merging is handled on Infoway’s end, will we still be able to distinguish between active and passive agents, or is there a risk of losing this categorization? If this distinction cannot be preserved, we would prefer Infoway to maintain the subsets separately. Since our current approach meets our needs, we would prioritize this task at the bottom.

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  • Messages : 11
il y a 4 mois 1 semaine #9851 par Myriam Talantikit
Dear All,

During the last meeting , several working items were discussed. The aim of this meeting was to prioritize those working items:
  • Patient-Friendly Picklist
  • Clinician Picklist
  • Subsets merging
  • Antigen and Immunoglobulin content modification
A consensus was found with the people present but we would like to have the whole community opinion before going forward as we had a small attendance in the last meeting.
The next PHSC meeting is approaching. To have a productive meeting, we would like to have some feedbacks, comments/opinion in what is considered a priority for your organization by November 5, 2024. You can share your comments or feedbacks in this forum or by sending me an email at Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
For the next meeting, we will discuss the prioritization of working items, including feedback and comments we received. Some working groups will be created to help achieve those items (volunteers will be required).

If you have any other items you would like to discuss as community in the next meeting, please let me know so it can be added to the agenda.

Thank you.

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