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file JIC OpenForum Videos :-)

  • Messages : 130
il y a 2 ans 4 mois #7368 par Derek Ritz
Hi all -- for any that may be interested, the Joint Initiative Council (JIC) will post videos of today's OpenForum sessions to its JIC YouTube channel . The first video (which was middle of the night for many Canadians) has already been uploaded. The second one will be uploaded, shortly.

The agenda and speakers' list for these 2 IPS-focused sessions can be found here . Please note -- the meetings' content was not identical (even though the topic was the same for each session: IPS). Also note... mercifully, YouTube videos can be run at 2x speed. It takes half the time to watch the content. Of course, it also makes everyone sound like a chipmunk... but even that has some fun advantages. :lol:

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