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file HL7 Jan 2021 Ballot Consensus Pools Open

  • Messages : 34
il y a 3 ans 6 mois #6474 par Janice Spence
Hi Ron,
I am not sure what is required of me on this a I am just filling in for Cindy on the council and don't have access to join consensus groups. Is there anything I need to do before the ballots open for review in Dec?

Also you mentioned in the last meeting an HL7 task group on Global Relevance being stood up. Do you have any more information you can share on that?


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  • Messages : 245
il y a 3 ans 6 mois #6458 par Ron Parker
Hello HL7 Canada Council voting members.

The signup period for Jan 2021 Ballots has begun. Please go to the HL7 Balloting Desktop and click on "Join Consensus Groups" in the upper right hand corner.

Here is a link to a spreadsheet with the list of 31 (!) ballot items.

Signup for the ballot consensus groups ends Dec 17th.

Let me know if you have any issues.

Ron P.

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