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file Final Reminder: Terminology Server Evaluation Survey Closes December 3

  • Messages : 148
il y a 1 mois 3 semaines #9967 par Helen Wu
Hi all,

This is a final reminder that the Terminology Server Evaluation Survey will close on Monday, December 3, 2024. We sincerely appreciate the feedback received so far, which has been invaluable in improving the Terminology Server since its launch in July.

As the planned decommissioning of the Terminology Gateway approaches in March 2025, your input remains critical in helping us ensure that the Terminology Server meets your needs.

If you haven’t already, we kindly encourage you to take a few minutes (3–5 minutes) to complete the survey. Your valuable insights will directly inform future enhancements and allow us to better support your workflows.

Click here to participate in the survey.

Thank you once again for your feedback and ongoing support.

Warm regards,

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Modérateurs: Linda MonicoSeema Nayani

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