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Minor Revisions have been made to the CCDD Editorial Guidelines and have been posted with this month's content release. Additional details are provided below.
The following sections have received minor edits:
Intended Use of the CCDD
Appendix C, Hydration and Solvation
The following sections have received substantive revisions as well as minor edits:
About the Draft Editorial Guidelines: Removed instances of “draft” throughout the section and modified the statement on frequency of Editorial Guideline updates
Substance-Strength Set for the NTP: Added description of the use of scientific notation, augmented the discussion on exceptions to the use of presentation strength in the section, Presentation Strength and Concentration Strength
Unit of Presentation for the NTP: Augmented list of examples with unit of presentation explicitly stated
NTP Formal Name Pattern: Enhanced table of single active ingredient substance NTPs
Manufactured Product: Augmented discussion on the use of the DPD descriptor
Status: Expanded on instances where an NTP or TM would be deprecated