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file CCDD Meeting Sept 24th, noon to 1pm ET

  • Messages : 250
il y a 6 ans 3 mois #4270 par Beverly Knight
We have added a couple of interesting topics to the agenda. Please see the updated agenda here 20180924 CCDD Meeting Agenda (UPDATED)

The new topics will include:
A discussion on how the CCDD will manage the Epi pen substitutions, AND

Update on Health Canada’s activities on biologics naming with a view to seek input from participants on the value and practical impacts of brand name- or suffix-based options for the naming of biologic drugs. We’re also very interested in learning more about the knowledgebase vendor and drug information systems context in Canada.
The following questions will be discussed:
• How are biologic drugs currently identified in user-facing systems that support prescribing, dispensing and pharmacovigilance in Canada (e.g. electronic medical records, e-prescribing software, hospital and community pharmacy systems)? How is the information on the indications authorized for each biologic drug displayed to users?
• How do knowledgebase vendors and drug information systems providers systems currently source their drug data (e.g. drug name, HC authorized indications)?
• From the knowledgebase vendor and drug information systems perspectives, would a brand name- or suffix-based naming convention be most appropriate to distinguish among biologic drugs that share the same non-proprietary name?
• What steps would knowledgebase vendors and drug information systems stakeholders need to take to implement either a brand name- or suffix-based naming convention for biologics? What resources would be required to implement each option?
• Since database systems and practice of medicine/pharmacy decisions are outside Health Canada’s mandate, how could we best engage with stakeholders on the need to use a distinguishing identifier (i.e. brand name or suffix, depending on which option is taken) in databases/software systems used for biologics prescribing, dispensing and pharmacovigilance?

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  • Messages : 250
il y a 6 ans 3 mois #4246 par Beverly Knight
Please join us for an update on CCDD development and a discussion on content scope. the agenda can be found here 20180924 CCDD Meeting Agenda

There is a discussion paper for your review prior to the call here - 20180924 CCDD Hospital Products discussion paper

Beverly and CCDD team

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Modérateurs: Linda MonicoSeema Nayani

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