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file 2024/2024 Enterprise Imaging Imaging Webinar Kicks off - Oct 18 @ 12PM ET

  • Messages : 229
il y a 2 mois 3 semaines #9760 par Jason Nagels
Topic: Bridging the Gap: Providing Sub-specialty Radiology Services to Rural Communities

Speaker: Euan Zhang, MD, Expert Radiology

Learning Objectives:

-Identify the key challenges in providing sub-specialty radiology services to smaller communities.[/li]
-Discuss the technical and logistical barriers to implementing sub-specialty radiology services in underserved areas.
-Evaluate potential solutions for overcoming challenges in providing sub-specialty radiology services, including cultural and systemic changes.[/li]
-Explain the benefits of second opinions from sub-specialist radiologists in improving patient care and reducing costs.

Register Here: infoway-inforoute.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrcOyqpz8rE9IJwrXUN71EeNOokv6e5RBi

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