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file IHE Radiology Committee Schedule

  • Messages : 29
il y a 9 ans 4 mois #655 par Diane Larwood
In order to move forward the Remote Reading work a number of you signed up for IHE membership. The IHE schedule is located at this link:

IHE Radiology is currently doing polls to set up the next meetings. Of importance to us are the voting meetings:
Planning committee (voting call): “Short list” profile selection
Planning committee (voting call): Final Proposal Selection for 2015-2016 cycle

I got the information below from Jamie at IHE Radiology:

In order to vote in the upcoming “Short List” teleconference, IHE members would have needed to be present during the last two planning committee teleconferences, which took place on May 6th and May 11th. Or, to maintain voting rights, would have not missed 3 consecutive meetings.
That being said, if you are ineligible to vote at the “Short List” teleconference by attending the “Short List” teleconference, Members would then be eligible to vote during the “Final Selection” teleconference.

Its a bit confusing but if you have any questions please visit the IHE Radiology website.

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