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file DICOM Letter Ballot for Review (Proposed DICOM Correction Package #116 (CPack-116)

  • Messages : 267
il y a 2 ans 8 mois #7745 par Joanie Harper
Hello all,
There is a letter ballot for Proposed DICOM Correction Package #116 (CPack-116).
CPs are batched into CPacks for balloting to the DICOM Standard Committee members. Approved corrections are incorporated into the next edition of the DICOM Standard, which is now released 5 times a year, following each WG-06 Base Standard meeting. Correction Proposals may address:
• Ambiguities – standard text that is not precise or leads to various interpretations.
• Clarifications – to facilitate the interpretation of the Standard but not change the spec
• Errata – correction of normative and informative errors.
• Inconsistencies – sections of the Standard that contain conflicting definitions.
• Omissions – Obvious text was not included in the Standard.

The following Correction Proposals, approved by WG-06, are included in this ballot:

CP # Title
CP-2062 Add Device UID to Contributing Equipment Sequence
CP-2064 Code to reference a contributing processing algorithm
CP-2144 Cleanup PS3.17 section AA to refer to IHE REM profile and figures
CP-2162 Clarification of waveform filter attributes
CP-2168 Abbreviated spelling of "SR Document IE"
CP-2173 KOS Current Requested Procedure Evidence Sequence
CP-2174 Clarify PhotometricInterpretation of Legacy Converted images
CP-2175 Correction of invalid module references in Softcopy Presentation State IODs
CP-2176 Add Category of Finding to TID 1500
CP-2177 Add Specimen Module to Microscopy Bulk Simple Annotations
CP-2178 Clarify Microscopy Bulk Simple Annotations Coordinate Units
CP-2180 Add Anatomy to Microscopy Bulk Simple Annotations
CP-2181 Add keywords for Context Groups in PS3.16
CP-2182 Simplification of RT ROI Observations
CP-2183 Add used ROI to Registration
CP-2184 Add Conceptual Volume to Structure Set
CP-2186 Cleanup of Planning Risk Volume Code
CP-2187 Describe usage of Configuration and Commissioning Keys To Radiation Generation Mode Macro
CP-2188 Restore RESTful WebServices use case examples
CP-2191 Correct errors in Audit Message example in Part 17
CP-2192 Add digital certificate to de-identification profile
CP-2193 Add Encapsulated Document to de-identification profile

Each proposal specifies the type of correction, the rationale for the correction, the sections of the DICOM Standard that will be changed, and the correction wording. In voting, you may vote on the complete package or vote on the individual Correction Proposals.

All the balloted Correction Proposals may be accessed at:

The Letter Ballot closes on June 2, 2022.

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