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file MIIT Conference Now Virtual - MIIT Showcase - March 27th @ 12pm EST

  • Messages : 227
il y a 4 ans 2 mois #5798 par Jason Nagels
Hi All -

Thanks to everyone that attended Friday's Webinar. For anyone that was unable to attend, below is a link to a recording of the webinar:


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  • Messages : 227
il y a 4 ans 2 mois #5789 par Jason Nagels
Just a reminder, tomorrow at 12 pm EST the Infoway Enterprise Imaging Community is hosting a webinar that showcases what to expect at this year's virtual MIIT conference:

Zoom Meeting: (Teleconference: 1-855-703-8985 Meeting code: 343 444 2853)

Hope to see you at the webinar!


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  • Messages : 227
il y a 4 ans 2 mois #5788 par Jason Nagels
Just a reminder, tomorrow at 12 pm EST the Infoway Enterprise Imaging Community is hosting a webinar that showcases what to expect at this year's virtual MIIT conference:

Zoom Meeting: (Teleconference: 1-855-703-8985 Meeting code: 343 444 2853)

Hope to see you at the webinar!


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  • Messages : 227
il y a 4 ans 2 mois #5779 par Jason Nagels
Good Afternoon All - I hope everyone is staying safe!

Just a reminder - On March 27th the EI community is hosting a Webinar showcasing what to expect at this year's MIIT conference (

MIIT is scheduled to take place on May 15th, however, due to the COVID-19 situation, this year's meeting will be virtual. This means regardless of where you live, there will be no need to travel to take in an amazing educational opportunity. MIIT has amazing presenters that will share their experiences related to imaging informatics!

Costs for this education conference are as follows (in CAD$):
• Physicians: $120
• Other Healthcare Professionals/Techs: $80

I look to forward to seeing many of you on the MIIT showcase webinar next Friday!


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