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( 2 Documents )

CanadaHealthInfoway ConnectathonWebinar NA2016 v3

Publié le 29 Juil, 2015 par Attila Farkas

IHE Connectathon - Value proposition, Logistics and life in the trenches, a three part webinar held in July, 2015 presents a unique view into what the IHE Connectathon is all about from the vendor perspective. If covers the most important questions that...

Interoperability For Dummies

Publié le 20 Jan, 2015 par Attila Farkas

Without any pun intended, this easy to read eBook was created in an effort to demistify the sometimes overwhelming world of interoperability, particularly as it relates to IHE. This is a must read for all our colleagues new to IHE. Hopefully, it will...

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