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New Feature: Web Conferencing facilitates face-to-face meetings for groups

We are pleased to announce this simple to use, complimentary, instant web conferencing solution for Community and Working Group members.

In addition to web and VOIP, web conferencing features screen sharing and annotations, making it easier for groups to collaborate from different locations. To host a web meeting, you must be logged in and a member of a Community and Working group.

The first time that you use it, the browser may request to download a client app that will then launch the conference (this may appear differently depending on your device PC, MAC, iphone, Android etc).  This applies whether you are the host or the participant.  We recommend testing the feature on your device with one other person prior to hosting a larger conference to ensure that your audio and video settings are adjusted to your preferences.

A detailed "how to" guide and video will be posted soon, in the meantime here are some quick tips to help you get started:

  • Visit a Community or Working Group containing the member(s) that you wish to connect with.
  • Select the Web Conference tab to see the list of members for that group.
  • From the list, select the members you would like to meet with. You may add additional people by not in the group by entering their email address in the blank field at the bottom.
  • Provide a subject to your meeting request to give participants some context for the meeting or use the default subject.
  • Click the "Send meeting invitations" button and the system will notify all those selected that there is an invite waiting for them to join a web conference.
  • Finally, start your meeting by clicking the "Start meeting" button.
  • The host can share their desktop and participants can annotate the screen at any time. Hosts can also give presenting rights to others in the meeting.
  • Participants may leave the meeting at any time, and hosts can end the meeting when finished.

If you have any questions or need support in using this tool, please contact Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.



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