Vous pouvez maintenant accéder à la version de decembre 2024 du Répertoire canadien des médicaments à partir de Terminology Gateway et du serveur terminologique, à des fins de consultation ou d’implantation. En savoir plus >

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Keynote Speakers Announced for e-Health 2016

This year’s keynote session will feature fast-paced and provocative presentations that will ask tough questions, spark discussion, and provide some meaningful insights into how we truly can reimagine healthcare delivery in Canada.

The keynote speakers are some of the most sought after and innovative thinkers who will share their big ideas in powerful 15-minute sessions. Speakers include Zayna Khayat , Lead, MaRS Healthcare and Director, MaRS EXCITE, Dr. Travis McDonough, CEO & Founder, Kinduct Technologies, and Marilyn Emery, President & Chief Executive Officer, Women’s College Hospital.

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e-Health-2016 final updated

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