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New Releases of pCLOCD and SNOMED CT Available

Infoway is pleased to announce that the July 2015 versions of pan-Canadian LOINC Observation Code Database (pCLOCD) and Systematized NOmenclature of MEDicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT®) are now available for review and implementation.

The latest release of pCLOCD, SNOMED CT and their respective supporting documentation can be found on InfoCentral Wiki and are accessible once you have logged in with your Infoway account.

Content highlights for the July 2015 release of pCLOCD include:

  • New content has been added that was requested by British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • 271 new French Canadian translations have been added
  • Changes are based on the June 2015 International release of LOINC®
  • Less than 600 records have been edited in either language.

Please refer to the pCLOCD Release Notes that accompany the release for further information on specific additions and changes that have been incorporated into this release.

Some content highlights for the July 2015 release of SNOMED CT include:

  • 199 new concepts have been added as part of an alignment with SNODENT
  • 481 new concepts added for nursing intervention activities related to the collaboration work between IHTSDO and the International Council of Nurses (ICN)
  • 900 new concepts were created for the LOINC – SNOMED CT Project. The majority of the new concepts are substances in the area of Antigens, Antibodies, and Immunoglobulins
  • New concepts have been added to the procedure hierarchy for diagnostic imaging
  • 1,917 new concepts were added to the Kaiser Permanente Convergent Medical Terminology (CMT) subsets
  • 909 concepts from the anatomy that were previously primitive becoming made fully defined
  • The SNOMED CT to ICD-10 Map is included in this release as a Baseline
  • Quality improvements to existing terminology content and identification of technical issues resolved or to be resolved

Please refer to SNOMED CT July 2015 International Release Notes that accompany the release for further information on specific additions and changes that have been incorporated into this release.

Requests for change to these terminology standards should be made via Infoway's request for change management system known as InfoRMS which is accessible once you have logged into your Infoway account.

If you don't have access, please register for an Infoway Account and accept the appropriate license agreements on InfoCentral Wiki.

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