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Calendrier des événements
Mercredi, Avril 26, 2017
par Tasha Shaw-Verbic
Get ready for FHIR North 2017! Following on the success of last year’s Connectathon, FHIR implementers will once again come together this April at Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ontario to develop and test innovative applications using the HL7® FHIR standards framework.
Participants will have a chance to:
- Speak with leading FHIR experts including some of the core development team
- Meet other implementers, swap ideas and see how other people are using FHIR to tackle their interoperability challenges
- Try building and integrating FHIR-enabled applications in real-world scenarios
- Attend education and training sessions delivered by experienced FHIR developers and experts
Lieu Mohawk College, Hamilton, ON
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