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Chartering Interoperability for Large-Scale, Second-Generation Imaging Information Sharing: IHE MCWG Contribution

Groupe: Enterprise Imaging
Télécharger au format iCal
Vendredi, Novembre 15, 2024, 12:00am - 01:00pm ET
par Jason Nagels

Speaker: Charles Perisot (InteropEhealth, Chief Executive & MCWG Coordinator)

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the key goals and initiatives of the IHE Multi-Country Working Group for Image Sharing.
  • Explain how the IHE standards facilitate cross-border imaging information exchange.
  • Demonstrate how to implement IHE profiles to support secure and efficient image sharing across healthcare organizations in different countries.
  • Compare the challenges and solutions in cross-border image sharing as addressed by the IHE Multi-Country Working Group.

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