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Workshop: Connecting Patients for Better Care: The role of the patient in the digital world

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Vendredi, Avril 28, 2017, 10:45am - 12:15pm ET
par Tasha Shaw-Verbic

Workshop description:
The digital age is upon us. Technology has changed every aspect of our lives – how we work, live and play. While it’s been slower to adapt than other industries, the health system is just starting to experience what will likely be a fundamental shift in the role of the patient.

Dr. Rashaad Bhyat, Physician Leader, Canada Health Infoway
Dr. Asim Masood, Chief Medical Officer, Canada Health Infoway
Anne Baldwin, Change & Evaluation Specialist, Canada Health Infoway
Dr. Mike Figurski, Chief Executive Officer, Vistacan & Family Physician, Whitefoot Medical Clinic

Learn more about this workshop taking place at the 2017 Canadian Conference on Physician Leadership

Lieu Vancouver, BC
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