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file IHE Canada Liaison Election Announcement

  • Messages : 317
il y a 6 ans 6 mois #4157 par Andrea MacLean
Just a gentle reminder that nominations for the IHE Canada Liaison role close on Friday August 3, 2018, so there is still time to “throw your name into the hat”.

The description of the role can be found here:

Nominating and voting for the IHE Canada liaison is open to all registered InfoCentral users. The two-week nomination period runs from July 23, 2018 through August 3, 2018.

Following nominations, the voting period will be open from August 13 to August 24 on the IHE Community “About” tab.

For reference, the election timelines are as follows:
• Nominations: July 23, 2018 – August 3, 2018
• Preparation for ballot: August 6 – August 10, 2018
• Voting: August 13 – August 24, 2018
• IHE Canada Liaison Announcement: August 27, 2018

Thank you.



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